Saturday, 6 August 2011


In Asia you find yourself with an overwhelming urge to scream at the top of your lungs, "if I see one more temple...!"

In Europe it's church or cathedral.

It comes after a couple of months or so.  They were splendid sights at first.  The camera snapping away at the slightest glimpse of an orange cloaked monk.  After you hit the wall, they have become so ubiquitous you don't even divert your eyes.

So we've reached that point.  It happened in Granada, the gem of Nicaragua's tourist trail.  A beautiful colourful city, where we summoned just about enough enthusiasm to traipse to an internet cafe and have a hotdog in the square.

So we jumped on a bus to the beach.  A fairly deserted one in El Salvador, where we planned to do virtually nothing for a week or two but eat, sleep, swim, read, surf a little maybe.  Anything to silence the inner monologue that's screaming at the top of its voice, "if I see one more bloody colonial city...!"

As it happened, as nice as it was in surf central, it didn't completely do the trick.  Maybe because we had to sleep with one eye open...

So we had a few days of relaxation and then we hatched a new plan: to hit Mexico sooner, enjoy a few truly beautiful beaches, and then spend a bit more time in the States.  Well, who can resist a side-trip to Vegas baby?!

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